The Lore
The Underworld, where the souls of the dead find their rest, is ruled by Lucifer and Lilith. Since the dawn of time, a fragile balance of power has existed between the realms above and below.
Weary of his eternal role, Lucifer left the rule of the Underworld to Lilith while he sought respite. Upon his return, the Underworld had slipped into a subtle disarray, a sign of weakness the Angels eagerly awaited.
Seeking any excuse to breach the infernal realms, the Angels stirred mortals into action, sending them to reclaim lost souls led by the Archangel Gabriel. Their intent was clear—to prove before God that the demons had failed in their charge and thus dismantle the Underworld’s dominion.
The Angels
Heaven is ruled and overseen by the Archangel Gabriel.
- Archangel Gabriel / Played by Ash Yusira
- Yua’el Míádhiel - Angel of Probabilities and Unluck / Played by Yua Tsukihana
- Luna - Angel of Chance and Opportunity / Played by Luna Feywood
The Demons
Referred to as the Pandemonium. The demons are ruled by Lucifer & Lilith.
- Lucifer Morningstar / Played by Leon Kramer
- Lilith Morningstar / Played by Vyara Dragonheart
- Laraya Tashyk - Archdemon of Treachery and Treason / Played by Laraya Tashyk
- Devlyn, Dancer of the Ashes and Archdemon of the Unholy Sixth Circle, Heresy / Played by Devlyn Ashdancer
- Nebiro Gälämoth - Archdemon of Timeless Trickery / Played by Neroh
- Liandris Eisenhelm - Secretery of the Nine Hells / Played by Liandris Eisenhelm
The Lost Souls
When a soul can’t be redeemed they sent to the Underworld wherein the fate is decided for the rest of eternity. Under Lucifer & Lilith’s decree, no soul can be redeemed but the Angels have devised a scheme to challenge this status quo. They call it “Kakegurui“. They are those that have died and committed sin.
In this, Souls are prizes the Patrons who participate in the Game of the Angels (Kakegurui) can win.
In order to reclaim a Soul and return them back to the land of the living, the Patron as a mortal are sent to the Underworld to fight against the Pandemonium. Winning against all the Demons will allow you to set a demand and reclaim a Soul – or if you prefer, you can Hex a Demon and claim them as your own.
Demons can’t die much like the Angels but they can be fought over and over again, multiple Souls can be won – but be weary the cost to return to the Underworld can be weary.
1. Find The Angels
The Angels are discovered on the Heaven side of the venue. Approach them to be given the privilege to be sent into the Underworld as a living Soul. If you die, you return back to the living but the cost to return increases.
Register your living Soul here to begin. The first cost into the Underworld is free.
They are known as the Game Masters, you can find them with the Looking to Meld Symbol (Yellow Icon) on their names.
If you are smart, maybe Gil is not the only cost. Rewarding RP can be a chance to enter the Underworld.
Ash Yusira, Luna Feywood & Yua Tsukihana
2. Face The Underworld
Move into the side of the Underworld and find the Archdemons in any order. You must first fight the 4 Archdemons before facing off against Lucifer & Lilith to finish the game.
- Once registered, you will be able to challenge the Pandemonium demons (Which order is up to you). The Pandemonium consists out of 4 members. They are being lead by King & Queen of the Underworld. After beating a Pandemonium demon you are able to challenge the next one, once you have managed to beat all 4 Pandemonium demons you are allowed to challenge the rulers.
- The Game that is being played is simply Higher or Lower. The Demon will roll a dice and you choose if you think the next roll will be Higher or Lower. You will win if you can predict the correct outcome 3 times in a row without losing. If you get it wrong, you lose! (Tie = Free Reroll). The rolls will be 1-13 just like Blackjack so bear in mind, Aces are high so 1 = the highest result.
- Once you beat all 4 Archdemons you will be able to challenge Lucifer & Lilith. If you beat them as well, you win the Game and you can return to the Angels to claim your personal Soul from the list provided on Discord and below here (TBC)! (Maybe your favourite staff or community member is on it!)
- Demons can’t be claimed like normal Souls. To claim one of the Demons, you have to obtain a Hex Sigil. You can do this by obtaining it at the bar. From here how you cast the Hex is up to you, if the Demon submits, they are yours to summon as you see fit.
- If you are defeated at any time, you are returned to the land of the living! To continue playing, you can “buy-in” for another chance to go to the Underworld with the Angels. The price for each buy-in doubles every time (so 10k, 20k, 40k, 80k, etc). The price caps at 500,000 Gil and if you want to keep trying after that it will continue to be 500,000 Gil per try. Your wins against a Demons are permanent and never reset!
- If the price becomes too steep or you can no longer continue. The Angels become angry and forbid you to live and relinquish your Soul to the Underworld for eternity, bit harsh but Gabriel is a bit unhinged.
- If you have claimed a Soul and wish to claim another, your progress is completely reset and just like your first chance at the Underworld, your first go is free and climbs as usual.
Claiming A Soul
Once you have defeated Lilith & Lucifer. You simply approach an Angel to claim that Soul. That Soul will no longer be available to be claimed, they will mark them as resurrected. They are yours to command based on what they can offer. It doesn’t have to be redeemed on the night!
*Phoenix assumes no responsibility for the state of the mortal brought back to life. The process of resurrecting a soul from the Underworld may result in a variety of unsettling side effects. Revival nausea is common, manifesting as intense dizziness, vomiting, and disorientation lasting anywhere from hours to days. Some resurrected individuals experience phantom limbs, feeling sensations or pain from nonexistent or even additional limbs. Echoing voices from the dead may haunt the returned, whispering unintelligibly or calling them back to the Underworld. Occasionally, the resurrected’s appearance may shift unexpectedly, their living form flickering with the decayed or spectral visage they bore in death. A persistent cold touch is often reported, where their skin feels unnaturally cold to others, regardless of external conditions. These effects, while varied in intensity and duration, are often unpredictable, and the resurrected may carry them for the rest of their days.
Hex Sigil
A welcome change to the Kakegurui formula is the introduction of a Hex Sigil. Obtaining these at the Ruby Bar through deception or coin is up to you. Only 1 Hex Sigil can be used per Demon if you are lucky enough to attempt to claim more than 1. Enter into a party with a Demon once you have defeated Lilith & Lucifer. Hell, it could even be Lilith & Lucifer you wish to Hex, I don’t judge – they are pretty hot.
You don’t need to play a game, just roleplay it out, or maybe it is a short game of wit – we best leave that to the Demons to decide.
Claiming Multiple Souls
Multiple Souls can be claimed. The Gates of the Underworld will be fully opened 1.5 Hours into the Game. From that point, you are able to play through again. This just allows everyone to get a fair chance to claim a Soul they want first before the Mortals get greedy.
Claiming An Angel
Maybe you side with the Demons and wish to claim an Angel. You still need to beat all the Demons and approach Lilith & Lucifer and ask them for a Blood Hex. Simply use this on an Angel to lock their divine Soul, it’s illegal in Heaven to do such acts – but it’s nice to get your own back at them.
Credits to Masha & Abemaya for design and special thanks to Hela for photography.
Extended thanks to all of our partners.
the rulers of the
Lucifer & Lilith rule the Underworld. Their offerings are secret until you bind them.
the archdemons
The Pandemonium comprises of 4 archdemons. Their souls are akin to the divine, and require a hex to bind them.
the angels
The Angels are the ones that send you to the Underworld willingly. Not all can be binded to your will. Some Divine Souls are casted far above the Heavens, unreachable. Although some are within your grasp.
the lost souls of arclight
What is pink may never die. Arclight’s lost Souls are reachable in the depths of the Underworld. Claim them before it’s too late.

the lost souls of clubbers ls
Party hard, die hard. Clubbers LS’ lost Souls are reachable in the depths of the Underworld. Claim them before it’s too late.

the lost souls of equinox
It is believed they died under a very certain moment of sun’s passing. eQuinox’s lost Souls are reachable in the depths of the Underworld. Claim them before it’s too late.

the lost souls of haven
Mostly died from suspiciously naughty circumstances. HaVeN’s lost Souls are reachable in the depths of the Underworld. Claim them before it’s too late.

the lost souls of project xiv
From dying of a broken heart to taking a flaming shot. Project XIV’s lost Souls are reachable in the depths of the Underworld. Claim them before it’s too late.

the tarnished souls of velocity
Unlike true Souls of the Underworld, these Souls rest in a state of limbo. Neither truly beyond death or life, they are tarnished – incomplete. These Souls can’t belong to you, nor claimed but you can gain their offerings in much the same way. Velocity’s Souls are reachable, find them before they fade.

the lost wandering souls
True wandering Souls are rare, they hold interesting offerings if you can gain the chance to claim one.
the lost souls of phoenix nights
Death is commonplace in Phoenix Nights, Souls returning, bargained and lost. It’s a dysfunctional and clumsy family. These Souls are reachable in the depths of the Underworld, claim them before they truly die.